$297.00 USD

Every month

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Join a powerfully authentic group of Men and align with your vision & purpose today!

For adventurous, growth-minded, mission-driven Men.


  • 3X Mastermind, Group Coaching and Q&A Zoom calls every month with Master Purpose Coach, Brodie Whitney
  • LIVE! On ZOOM First 3 Tuesdays each month @ 4:30-6pm PST / 7:30-9pm EST
  • January schedule is Jan 16 & 23 to kick things off - 4:30-6pm PST / 7:30-9pm EST

Get both your feet grounded on your path.
Reconnect to a sense of purpose and direction that's fun, fulfilling and rewarding.

Become a stronger, more authentic version of yourself.
Create the life you envision

Let's GO!

$297 Monthly Membership. 
Cancel Anytime.

What People Are Saying:

Brodie is a spectacular individual and one of the best coaches you’ll ever meet.

Marc Von Musser, Director of Coaching, Tony Robbins Results Coaching

Brodie is the man for finding your purpose. You can't go wrong!

Andrew Ferebee, Founder, Knowledge For Men